Subject: Services for Draconite
1. What is Draconite?
Draconite is a premium virtual currency used in the game Margonem. Currently, the only way to purchase it is through the Steam platform, but we are working on introducing other payment operators. In the game, Draconite can be exchanged for gold and used to obtain various other bonuses.

2. What can be done with Draconite?
The simplest way to access most services for Draconite is to click the "Premium" widget located in the bottom right corner of the game.
You can also seek assistance from NPCs scattered throughout the realm. Below is a list of key characters offering services for Draconite:

Sir Lepim - (Karka-han -> Karka-han Town Hall) - Exchanges Draconite for Gold.
Alerona - (Karka-han -> Karka-han Town Hall) - Allows the purchase of permissions for individual appearances and pets.
Dalhar - (Karka-han -> Karka-han Town Hall -> Seat of the Order of the White Rose) - Enables changing of the player's profession.
Sir Graunsheim - (Karka-han -> Karka-han Town Hall -> Seat of the Order of the White Rose) - Withdraws accumulated experience points, allowing players to remain at the same level longer.
Nestor - (Ithan -> Barracks - 1st Floor -> Barracks - 2nd Floor) - Exchange of unwanted items from event lotteries for gold nuggets, and the exchange of nuggets for other items.
Barnabas the Breeder - (Torneg) - Sells unique pets that can follow the player.
Dwarven Bags - (Verbin -> Dwarven Warehouse) - Allows the purchase of coupons that can be exchanged for various items, such as outfits, bags, or teleports.
Tailor Taffy - (Verbin -> Taffy and Jalen's House - 1st Floor -> Taffy and Jalen's House - 2nd Floor) - Sells outfits that the player's character can wear, for example:

3. Security Guidelines
The security of your account depends solely on you. It is essential to use a secure, strong password.
And remember! - Always provide your login and password only on the official Margonem website – - and always check if this address is in your browser's address bar.

4. Possibility of Recovering a Destroyed Item
Players have the option to recover a destroyed item by selecting "recover items" from any shop, but only if the item was sold to an NPC or destroyed using the "destroy" option. The cost of recovering each item is 75 Draconite.

5. Manual Operations Performed by SMG
WARNING! Changes made to items, such as changing the name, graphics, adding a description, can only be reversed by the player who paid for the implementation of such changes. The condition for reversing changes in such an item is that it must be in the possession of the player who made the changes.
Below is a list of available services:

Item Name Change
Price: 150Ð
Notes: Room keys cannot have their names changed. Once the name change operation is performed, the item cannot be listed for auction. The maximum number of characters in a name is 60 (including spaces). List of permitted characters below.

Adding a Description to an Item
Price: 250 - 500Ð
Notes: Descriptions can be added to neutral items and other types. The service costs 250Ð for a description ranging from 1 to 100 characters and 500Ð for a description from 101 to 200 characters, including spaces. After the operation of adding a description, the item cannot be auctioned. Below is a list of allowed characters.

Creating an Item in the Game with Custom Graphics
Price: 850Ð
Notes: Any name (list of allowed characters below) for an item of the common type. +175/800/1,500Ð for unique, heroic, legendary item types. For items other than neutral, the name and graphics are changed in an item owned by the player in the inventory. You cannot choose the stats or required level of the item, as a neutral item will not be part of the inventory. Items with individual graphics cannot be auctioned.

Character Transfer to Another World
Price: Character level * 75 Draconite, but not less than 10,000Ð
- Operation performed by SMG,
- Characters can be transferred between regular worlds,
- Characters cannot be transferred to/from developer servers (Experimental, Dev and Beluga),
- The transferred character cannot possess more gold than level * 1,000,000,
- The transferred character can have a maximum of 12 heroic items(*),
- The transferred character can have a maximum of 3 legendary items(*),
- Legendary and heroic items can be unbound if they have requirements no more than 10 levels higher than the transferred character,
- Deposits and mail are not transferred with the character,
- Room keys are deleted when transferring characters,
(*) Applies to blessings and equipment items. Other items, such as neutral, consumables, and talismans can be transferred without restrictions.

Clan Leader Change
Price: 500Ð
Notes: This option is available for clans where:
1. The founder's account has been deleted.
The selected clan member should send a message to the contact panel to obtain rights to the clan. The following information should be provided: the founder's account nickname, the clan name, the world it is located on, and explain the situation of the clan to the Game Master.
2. The founder's account has been permanently banned.
The clan founder may send an email from the email address linked to the banned account to inform the Game Master ( about renouncing the rights to the clan. Then any clan member can take over the clan. They should send a message about this matter to the panel. The following information should be provided: the clan name, the world it is located on, and describe the clan's situation to the Game Master.
If the clan contains only the permanently banned founder, the leadership can be taken over by a person designated by him from outside the clan. This is the only case where a player who is not a clan member can receive the founder rank. In this situation, the procedure described in point 2 should be followed. The email should include information about who the clan should be transferred to.
3. The founder's character has been transferred to another world.
Identical to the case of permanently banned accounts except that the clan founder may send a message through the contact panel renouncing his rights to it. If within 30 days from the date of the character's transfer, the founder does not designate a new clan manager, clan members have the right to choose one from among the clan members.

If the founder has been offline for many days, it is not possible to take over the clan using this service. You must wait until the leader's account is deleted and then proceed as described in point 1.
WARNING! In the case of stolen clans, leadership cannot be transferred.

Change of Blocked Email
Price: 1,200Ð
Notes: This option is available for individuals who have lost access to their email but have not lost access to their Margonem account. Consent from SMG is required before purchasing Draconite to change the email.

Player's Individual Outfit
Price: 7,850Ð
Notes: The regulations are available at this address.

Player's Individual Outfit (Copy to Another World)
Price: 2,600Ð
Notes: Requirements:
- Permission to introduce a copy of the individual outfit (item purchased on the target world),
- The character graphics must not differ from the basic individual appearance,
- If the basic appearance changes, all additional appearances will change as well,
- In case the graphics of the basic individual appearance are removed, they will also be unavailable on other worlds,
- Having an additional individual appearance on another world cannot be changed for 2,600Ð (option mentioned below),
- The additional appearance can only be on characters of the player who owns the basic appearance,
- The service includes the introduction of an additional custom appearance on one world per fee.

Change of Player's Individual Outfit
Price: 2,600Ð
Notes: Requirements:
- Permission to change own appearance (item purchased on the world with custom outfit),
- The character graphics must meet all the conditions for introducing a custom outfit,
- This service can be used by a player who has previously used the introduction of a custom appearance and possesses a magic stone of appearance change,
- The previous appearance of the character is lost but can be reintroduced at the regular price by this player,
- The old custom appearance may or may not still be on the Margonem servers; if the player wishes to reintroduce it, they must be prepared to provide it themselves,
- The player has 7 days to introduce free corrections to the character graphics.

Restoration of a Lost Custom Appearance Stone
Price: 2,600Ð
Notes: Requirements:
- The stone can only be restored on the world where it was created,
- Players who have withdrawn the specific outfit from the game cannot use this service.

Clan Outfit
Price: 42,000Ð
Notes: Two versions of the outfit (female and male) must be sent to SMG, and Draconite must be available in the clan treasury. The clan outfit cannot have any attributes (e.g., a sword in hand, a bow on the back); other requirements are analogous to individual outfits and are available at this address.

Change of Clan Outfit
Price: 10,000Ð
Notes: Clans that have purchased a clan outfit can change it. Graphics meeting the requirements should be sent to the contact panel. The fee for the service is taken from the clan treasury.

Individual Pet
Price: 5,250Ð
Notes: Requirements:
- Permission for a custom pet (item purchased on the target world),
- Player must provide appropriate graphics,
- Made in pixel-art technique,
- Consistent with the fantasy theme,
- Format: non-animated gif with transparent background up to 64kB,
- Frame size from 32x32 px to max. 32x48 px (height x width),
- If the pet is not animated in a resting state - the motion graphic should consist of 4 columns and 4 rows from 128x128 px to max. 128x192 px (height x width),
- If the pet is not animated in a resting state - any intermediate dimension between 128x128 and 128x192 must be divisible by 2,
- If the pet is animated in a resting state - the motion graphic should consist of 5 columns and 4 rows, where 1 column is the pet's resting animation, and the remaining 4 are motion frames, size from 128x160 to 128x240 px (height x width),
- If the pet is animated in a resting state - any intermediate dimension between 128x160 and 128x240 must be divisible by 2,
- The width of all columns in the graphic must be the same,
- The pet can have 2 special actions included in the price,
- Each special action is an additional column in the graphic,
- Each additional special action costs 800Ð,
- The maximum number of special actions is 8,
- Each additional special action allows for a 10% increase in the basic file size,
- The pet cannot become fully or partially invisible,
- An example graphic of a non-animated pet can be found HERE,
The cost to introduce an individual pet that is already in the game to another world is 2,600Ð.

Here are the guidelines for naming and describing items:

Item Name
- Maximum number of characters (including spaces): 60
- Allowed characters:
- Lowercase letters (a-z)
- Uppercase letters (A-Z)
- Polish letters (e.g., ą, ć, ę, ł, ń, ó, ś, ź, ż)
- Hyphen (-)
- Space ( )
- Apostrophe (')

Item Description
- Maximum number of characters (including spaces): 200
- Allowed characters:
- Lowercase letters (a-z)
- Uppercase letters (A-Z)
- Polish letters (e.g., ą, ć, ę, ł, ń, ó, ś, ź, ż)
- Hyphen (-)
- Space ( )
- Apostrophe (')
- Punctuation and symbols (.,?!"+=)
- Numbers (0-9)

- To exchange Draconite for a specific service in the Game, a message must be sent through the contact panel. If the player meets the conditions to perform the service (having the required amount of Draconite in the game), SMG or an Administrator will reply to arrange further details if necessary, or to inform about the execution or rejection of the order.
- Services are executed within 7 business days from the positive response of SMG or the Administrator to the order and the submission of required information or data (e.g., own outfit, graphics, and/or description for the item, etc.), although efforts are made to perform services immediately if possible.
- The service provider reserves the right to remove a service, add a service, change the required amount of Draconite or Gold points for a given service in the Game. Players are bound by the currently stated conditions of point exchange.
- The service provider may refuse a request to perform a service for important reasons, including the player's violation of the Terms and Conditions, lack of technical or financial ability to perform the service, or if the current state of the game or the player's character in the game does not allow the service to be performed.
- The service provider reserves the right to refuse to introduce graphics that are vulgar, promote negative content, are illegal, or are contrary to the generally accepted norms in the game.
- The price list does not constitute a commercial offer in the legal sense and only pertains to the virtual world of the Margonem game.
- All additional information (including nomenclature, provider data, terms of service) is available in the Terms and Conditions and online documentation of the Margonem game.