Subject: Daily Quest Guide
The Daily Quests are an important part of the game available from Rim in Ithan.
A player gets both a chest for equip and a set of profession stones for each quest.
The chest contains either a unique piece of level 50 equipment for that profession, a heroic main weapon of level 50, or the leg Stone of Forge. So initially a player will be concerned with getting that equipment at level 50, they can sell it or use it to upgrade equip. So even once you get the equip its a valuable resource to keep doing every day . The use of the Stone of Forge and the profession stones I will address later.
The first daily quest is for players from level 40-99 , Masked Blaise.
Masked Blaise is one of the easiest to find if not easiest.
Masked Blaise is found in the following locations.
Advance Sentry
Villians Grotto level 3
Villians Grotto level 4.

Now finding Masked Blaise could be a tedious task however you can point him out instantly on the maps by using the minimap and entering a search phrase. When you enter a phrase into the minimap it then filters it so only shows what contains that phrase. So by entering just m you see everything with an M, so enter in ma you see everything with ma in it which is even less, enter in mas and the only thing it will show is Masked Blaise as a grey dot. This is a really fast and effective way of doing it.
If someone else has gotten to Masked Blaise first then you wont find Masked Blaise until it respawns. While I dont exactly know what the respawn time is for daily quests it seems about the same time as other things respawning. So wait 10-20 minutes and search again,

Rao the White Tiger level 60 is a daily quest for characters from 60-119.
Rao the White Tiger is the easiest daily quest is found in the following locations.
Bards Highway
Peasants Lowlands
Lazurite Grotto - 1st Level
Western Marchland
You can just type rao into the search of the mini map to find it easily.
If it is not there then wait a while and search again.

Mola the Nito level 80 is the daily quest for characters from 80-139.
Mola Nito being small, semi transparent blends into the background is the hardest to spot looking at the main screen. The trick with the mini map however fixes that issue, you can type mol into the mini map to find it.
Unlike the lower level daily quests this is affected by fog of war, so its only shown in the mini map if your in the vicinity of it. So you have to cover the whole map and keep one eye on the min map. This is one of the most time consuming daily quests.
Mola Nito can be found in the following locations which all have fog of war.
Andarum Illami
Andarum Temple
East Temple Descent
West Temple Descent
Temple Vault
Rocks of Freezing Walls
Black Sun Hermitage Entrance Hall
Black Sun Hermitage 1st Level 1st Chamber
Black Sun Hermitage 1st Level 2nd Chamber
Black Sun Hermitage 2nd Level 1st Chamber
Black Sun Hermitage 2nd Level 2nd Chamber
Black Sun Hermitage - North
Black Sun Hermitage - South
Black Sun Hermitage - Dungeon
Sherpa Burial Grounds

Post edited by Agmoen on 2023-09-22 01:11:27. Total edits: 2.
thank you, very helpful!